I picked up a book out of Teen Central's collection on Friday and devoured it over the weekend. I just could not put Amy Efaw's After down. It's the story of a 15 year old girl who is practically perfect (great grades, star goalie on her school's soccer team, tutors, coaches, babysits...She does it all) until the morning she gives birth. And puts the baby out with the garbage. Devon, the main character, doesn't ever come off as a villain. She has clearly, unequivocally done something wrong, but she isn't a bad person. After is all about the choices that have brought Devon's life to a screeching halt complete with lawyers, judges, and life in a juvenile detention facility and it's about chances and changing your life. In honor of After, I've put together a list of books about teens needing second chances either after their own not so great choices or because of someone else's. Read and enjoy.
Evelyn Coleman's Born in Sin
Carl Deuker's Runner
Amy Efaw's After
E. R. Frank's Wrecked
Oscar Hijuelos Dark Dude
Patricia McCormick Sold
Walter Dean Meyer's Monster
Walter Dean Meyer's Lockdown
Mary E. Pearson's A Room on Lorelei Street
Adam Rapp Little Chicago
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