23 August 2010

Want to Read Books Before They Hit Stores?

Are you a devoted reader of teen fiction? Do you love to get books as soon as they hit the shelves? Well, do I have a deal for you. Occasionally, publishers will send me books before they're published and that is super awesome. I *love* reading these...usually. But, sometimes, a book just isn't in any of the genres I read, I'm overwhelmed with other books, or I just want a teen second opinion before I buy a bunch of copies. So, what I'm offering to readers of this blog is an opportunity to get a crack at these books. All you need to do is write me and tell me the kind of books you read. You do have to be able to physically get to a FCPL library to pick up and return the selections I send you. Then, when you're selected to review a book, just give me a short (3-5 sentence) review and tell me if you think I should purchase it or not. If I really like your review, then I'll add it to this blog (with your permission, of course) when we have the book available for checkout. You can leave a comment below to sign up or email me at forsythlibraryteen@gmail.com.


  1. Oh I wish I could do this but I am going to college next week and it's not anywhere near here! Any chance I could do this when I'm home on break? I'm a fast reader!
    P.S. Read Mockingjay yet??

  2. By the way QuillTurner = Katniss...not quite sure why the username changed.

  3. Absolutely! As a matter of fact, if you wanted to take one with you, I've got some that aren't due to be published until later this fall (like late October.) I had a copy of Mockingjay on my desk yesterday when we had someone desperate to read it come by, so I decided to be a nice librarian and wait a couple days. So, I'm currently trying to stay away from anything spolier-esque.

  4. I would love that! I promise to take good care of whatever I'm given. I would also love to discuss Mockingjay with you once you've read it. But no worries, you won't hear any spoilers from me!

  5. Great! How do you feel about ghosts and/or angels? Can you come by Teen Central for pick up? I'll be here all day today and tommorrow or I could leave them with Melissa in Teen Central on Saturday.

  6. I feel favorable about both of them! I will stop by tomorrow. I'm excited!
