27 May 2010

How Online Book Club is going to work

On the 1st, we're going to start FCPL's first online book club. I'll post a review of the title and a question to start discussion. Then everyone who has an answer to the question will post in the comments and we'll all talk back and forth on that question (or any others that come up in the line of discussion) for a week. Each following week for one month I'll post another question about the book for us to discuss. On the seventh or eighth of each month, I'll announce the next month's title. New discussions will start on the first or second of each month. I realize it's way past the seventh this month, but I'm going to pick a title that's a few years old in hopes that lots of folks have already read it.

Without further ado: Next month's book title is Scott Westerfeld's Uglies.

P.S. I think we should come up with a cooler title than "Online Book Club". Any suggestions?

25 May 2010


Welcome to the first of many posts here at FCPL4Teens. We're going to be bringing you news about great new books, awesome teen programs, some cool websites, and our very own online teen book club. Do you have an idea you'd like to share with us, a program you'd like to see at the library, a book you want to read that we don't have? Feel free to add a comment to this blog and we'll do our best to make it happen. Oh, and for those of you who didn't know; we've added an extra hour to the Teen Central hours on Saturday. We're now open from 1-5 on Saturday as well as all of our normal after school hours. Hope to see you around!